thINK, Cover design, Ben Gaydos & Jamie Mahoney, Letterpress,

thINK, Spread, Poem: Tim Lane, Design: Jordan Weaver,
Letterpress, 4.5"x9",
thINK, Letterpress, 5.5”x 11”, 2008
The premiere issue of the letterpress journal, thINK, is a collaboration between poets from around the US and students in the Graphic Design program at Virginia Commonwealth University (the Bowe House Press). The student's work was displayed at Chop Suey Books in Richmond, in an exhibition/poetry reading, THINK INK: Poetry and the Letterpress (May 9th, 2008).
In addition to cover design and poster/postcard design for the exhibition, I facilitated the collaboration between the poets and student graphic designer and assisted Professor Jamie Mahoney in letterpress instruction.
Check out more images of thINK and the exhibition, THINK INK: Poetry and the Letterpress.

thINK INK: Poetry and the Letterpress, Exbition Poster,
Letterpress/Color Laser Jet, 11” x 17”, 2008
thINK INK: Poetry and the Letterpress, Exbition Poster and Postcard, Letterpress/Color Laser Jet, Various Sizes, 2008
I designed the poster and postcard for an exhibition/poetry reading, THINK INK: Poetry and the Letterpress (May 9th, 2008). Images from the exhibition can be seen here. |