This book was created as a self-initiated means for ponderance, justification, personal resolution and understanding. The Profits of Fear is a personal exploration of coniflict resolution and the marriage of media and politics, to the elasticity of history, among a great many of other issues.
e(x), Digital video, 2003, 00:31:29

The Profits of Fear, cover, b&w inkjet, 5.5 ” x 9”, 2006-07

The Profits of Fear (detail), b&w inkjet, 5.5 ” x 9”, 2006-07

The Profits of Fear (detail), b&w inkjet, 5.5 ” x 9”, 2006-07

The Profits of Fear (spread), b&w inkjet, 11 ” x 9”, 2006-07
The Profits of Fear, b&w inkjet, 5.5 ” x 9”, 2006-07
The greatest inuence on this book was the documentary, The Power of Nightmares, by Adam Curtis. Much of the informations presented on these pages is derived from that film. It was my impetus to encourage exploration of the history of the two groups presented through this overview, and Mr. Curtis’ film is an amazing, albiet controversial, departure point.