wants to get to know you





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is a teacher and a student:

To view enlargements of the project below, click on the image or titles.



Someone* once told me that “to do good, you must teach.” I try to remember this advice every time I am in a classroom, whether in front of students or one of them, we all learn from those around us.

The following projects were executed while I was in front, learning all that I could take in.


Adjunct Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University, 2006-08

Click on the linked courses below to view student projects:



Course Posters, Color InkjetPrint, Various Sizes, 2007

Design, Anthropology & the Community, Junior/Senior Level, Spring 2008

Advanced Sequential Design,
Senior Level, Spring 2008

Print Design II,
Junior Level, Spring 2008

Type/Print Technology,
Sophomore Level, Spring 2008

Print Materials (Letterpress),
Project Coordinator,
Junior/Senior Level, Spring 2008

Sequential Design I,

Junior Level, Fall 2007

Imaging I,
Sophomore Level, Fall 2007

Sequential Design Technology,
Junior Level, 3 sections, Fall 2007

Imaging II,
Sophomore Level, Spring 2007

Sequential Design Technology,
Junior Level, 3 sections, Fall 2006















*Michael Fanizza, designer & educator (and a mentor to many)